Wolfgang Böck © Wolfgang Voglhuber
Sa 2. Oct 21
19:30 Middle Hall Brucknerhaus Linz
Böck is
Bruckner IV
past event
past event

Apprentice years with Bruckner

The fourth instalment of the popular series Böck is Bruckner, live recordings of which have appeared successively on CD, shows Bruckner as a teacher and simultaneously as the focus of a circle of pupils and friends who served as a kind of substitute family for him. With the aid of letters written to and from Bruckner as well as excerpts from the numerous written accounts and memories of his pupils, the readings convey a vivid impression of Bruckner's teaching methods and the special relationship of the teacher with his students. While the balance of authority was strictly observed in the relationship, it was nevertheless remarkable for the close private interaction which often set the tone. Together with his mostly young friends, who as faithful followers and supporters worked – often their whole lives – to make his compositions more widely known and performed (works which they often helped to revise), the conservatory professor and university lecturer undertook excursions, attended concerts and drank in public houses.

The texts are framed and accompanied musically by piano pieces and songs from the pen of Bruckner's pupils, offering an opportunity to hear and discover many rarities.


Lieder and piano works
by Bruckner´s students.


Wolfgang Böck | Reader

Elisabeth Wimmer | Soprano

Daniel Linton-France | Piano