Bruckner-Bildnis © Peter Androsch
Sa 3 Oct 20
09:00 Middle Hall Brucknerhaus Linz
Bruckner, the Revolutionary?
past event
past event

Bruckner´s music is considered to be as monumental as it is revolutionary, and without doubt swims across and against the currents of his times. But was the composer really such an exception, or can we observe comparable phenomenon among his contemporaries?  After all, the whole of society in the middle of the 19th century was in a state of turmoil, apparent not only in the economic and industrial fields but also in the realm of culture and the arts.

Against this background the discussions will centre above all on Bruckner's large-scale works, which will be examined in the context of their time and of the artistically productive environment of the composer. Does Bruckner's creative output mark a break with dominant contemporary trends, or do his works represent an organic transition to the next chapter of musical history? Which innovations have prevailed and why, and for what reasons have so many works by Bruckner's contemporaries disappeared permanently into the archives? Answers to these questions are the aim of this two-day seminar, which features numerous speakers of international repute.

The speakers include:

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Klaus Aringer, Mag. Sandra Föger, Dr. Andrea Harrandt, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Hinrichsen, Dr. Thomas Leibnitz, Dr. Andreas Lindner, Dr. Johannes Leopold Mayer, Dr. Elisabeth Maier, Dr. Eva Neumayr, Dr. Klaus Petermayr, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Sandberger, Dr. Ernst Schlader, Assoz. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Regina Thumser-Wöhs